It is never fun to be sick, and if you are ever feeling under the weather, you are probably looking for a quick fix. However, many over-the-counter medications are not that great for you. Yes, they may help get rid of, or reduce, your symptoms, but they are just covering them up. Plus, there are unwanted effects to taking many medications as well.
However, if you are in bed with body aches, fever, coughing, sore throat, and congestion, you want to find the best over the counter flu medicine so you can feel better. The good news is that there are some OTC medicines that are more effective and safer than many of the ones you find at the local pharmacy.
What To Look for When Selecting an OTC Medicine
The main concern that many people have when it comes to traditional over-the-counter medicine is the side effects. Cold, allergy, flu, pain, and sleep medication all have side effects that can also be dangerous. For example, drowsiness is a common side effect, and that can interfere with one’s ability to drive or even work effectively.
Most medications also contain chemicals that are not good for your body. Taking too much ibuprofen puts a lot of strain on the liver and kidneys, and long-term use can result in disease. There is also the complication that some medications do not interact well when taken at the same time.
Instead of reaching for the regular OTC meds found at the local grocery or drug store, try homeopathic medication the next time you want to get rid of symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are made with natural ingredients, such as minerals and herbs. This means that they do not have the nasty chemicals found in traditional medicine, and they also do not have harmful side effects. For example, homeopathic medicine for congestion in chest does not result in jitteriness or drowsiness like many anti-congestion medication.
Most Effective OTC Medicines
Another issue with regular OTC meds is their effectiveness. In fact, you may be wondering, does cough medicine actually work? It may suppress symptoms for a while, but it does not actually treat the underlying issue. As a result, taking many medications actually results in prolonging the illness.
Homeopathic medication, on the other hand, is effective. The ingredients in them work with the body’s natural ability to heal itself. This generally means the immune system is strengthened and you will get and feel better quickly. The good news is that many homeopathic remedies are available over the counter at natural-focused grocery and health stores. This means you do not need an appointment with a doctor or naturopath to get relief.
Although people want to heal from illnesses quickly, traditional over-the-counter medication is not the answer. Homeopathic medicines are safe and effective, and remedies are available for a wide variety of illnesses and other ailments. If your family is new to homeopathy, stock up on some popular products and give them a try the next time one of you is feeling ill.
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