About 12% of Americans smoke weed.
For some, their top choice is a handy joint or pipe. However, other cannabis enthusiasts are looking for a smoother experience, like the one a bong can provide.
Have you been struggling to figure out how to use a bong? You’re not alone. Many people have never used or seen a bong before, and others may not know the best way of using one.
In this blog post, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about using a bong so your smoking experience is as enjoyable as possible!
Buying a Bong
The first step in learning how to use a bong is finding the right size for your needs. For instance, if you bought a bubbler, it could be the perfect smoking companion for discretion.
Additionally, if you want something small enough that can easily be carried around with you, but still produces big hits of smoke, then choose an acrylic tube style pipe.
On the other hand, if you prefer something that has more water, there are high-quality glass bongs that’ll get the job done.
The next step is learning how to prepare the bong. Using and preparing the bong varies depending on what type you’ve chosen, but some general guidelines apply no matter which one you go with.
For example, you’ll want to rinse out whatever bong you’re working with before using it for the first time. Next, fill up the water pipe with cold water about an inch from the bottom.
Grind Your Weed
Next, you’ll need to prepare your flower! We suggest grinding your weed up so you don’t waste any bud. For the best results, keep your grinder clean.
You can use a soft-bristled toothbrush to keep your grinder clean. Avoid using abrasive tools, such as scrubbing pads, rough cloths, or brushes with metal bristles.
Clean every nook and cranny to keep the next batch from being contaminated with old weed. If there’s weed stuck in the teeth or the chambers, place it in the freezer for an hour or so. Then shake or tap it out into a paper towel or take a soft brush to loosen any bits of dried herbs that may be left over.
Don’t Overfill Your Grinder
It may seem like a good idea to pack as much herb into the grinding compartment of your device. However, you’ll get better results if it’s only less than half-full at any given time.
Add in small batches and grind those first before filling up again with more leaves/herbs or emptying what’s been ground already. That way, fresh ones that need to be ground finely will be tightly packed enough inside the chamber.
You can tell when they’re ready because there should be very little resistance while twisting them apart. But if you want more, keep adding another round or removing some. So just wait until all herbs have been diced down nice and evenly before starting on another batch.
Pack a Righteous Bowl
Now you can start packing the perfect bowl. The key is to pack the bottom densely.
Pack the more dense weed on the bottom of your bowl. If you don’t have a screen, this will act as one. This way, when you go through the finer weed and it gets stuck in your bowl, it’ll be at the bottom instead of going up into your mouth or getting sucked out into other places.
Don’t pack too much weed in your bowl. If you do this, then it might make pulling smoke from your joint or bong harder than necessary. And if you lose some of that weed instead of smoking it, then you lose money too!
Smoking From a Bong
A famous stoner saying is that if you don’t cough, you don’t get off. However, coughing doesn’t have to be a part of your smoking experience.
The fact is that most people tend to cough while they smoke a perc bong. But there’s no need for them to do so! The reason why people often cough when using this kind of water pipe is because the dryness in their mouth is caused by inhaling.
Thankfully, keeping mint gum nearby will help create moisture in your mouth from saliva production during chewing, which may prevent some degree of coughing.
However, if you take an approach like this, be sure not to choke on any pieces. Also, avoid eating anything too chewy before taking a hit off the bong. You can also add ice to the stem of the bong to help cool the smoke off.
Is There a Carb?
Does your bong have a carb? If yes, you’ll need to learn how to use it before lighting up.
The carb is a small hole in the water pipe. You’ll have to place your finger over the carb while lighting the bowl.
Once there’s enough smoke in the chamber, lift your finger off the carb. Inhale, and the smoke will travel up and into your mouth!
No carb? Then you’ll have to light the bowl, wait for the smoke to fill up, and then lift the bowl.
When the bowl is lifted, you can inhale the smoke from the chamber. If it’s too much smoke, don’t worry about clearing the chamber. After all, you don’t want to wind up choking on smoke.
Exhale Your Hit
After inhaling, you need to exhale properly. Coughing results from residual smoke that isn’t expelled or is released improperly. You need to learn the best way to expel the smoke with some degree of force so it doesn’t remain in your lungs and cause a coughing fit!
Rather than doing this all at once, take half of the breath, then hold for 5 seconds before expelling what remains on top while taking another short deep breath as well (some smokers have found success by blowing air out their noses).
Know How to Use a Bong
Now you know how to use a bong the right way! Smoking bongs is only fun when you know how to use them the right way. Otherwise, you may end up coughing your lungs out, and not in the “I’m so high” way.
Next, make sure there’s enough room for all of your weed at the top, with the denser bud at the bottom.
Enjoy your bong experience, and explore our site for more tips!
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