Think about a trusted friend you have known for a while. You feel good, but you know your friend can make you feel better. Or maybe you even feel bad–your friend would still come through for you.
Likewise, Mint Global Marketing has positioned itself to be the best friend for your business. Got some traction in your niche and would like to scale up? Perfect. Or perhaps, it is a rocky patch you need to quickly get through?
Here are five reasons why you should pick up the phone and put a call through to us today:
Accurate And Super-targeted Advertising
Targeted advertising is not all about being Gen Z or being a millennial. How much does your audience desire your product? How aware are they of it?
Using tested and trusted performance marketing systems, we find out exactly where your customers are in their customer journey, and we create a marketing strategy that connects your audience with your brand, while driving sales in the short-term.
Ad Spend: A Way Out Of The Dilemma
We don’t make wild guesses at Mint Global Advertising; neither do we throw thousands of dollars into a black hole in the hope that something clicks and resonates with your audience. No, our approach is much more sophisticated.
This means that we give you the ability to focus on building your product, while we focus on the best use of your advertising budget in the most creative ways we know.
Every so often, a CEO comes up with a brilliant idea that they feel certain would drive the sales they crave for. But often than not, this leads to an extravagant spend of a limited advertising budget that should be better utilised.
Redefining Customer Insights
Do you understand your customers? Some businesses do; many others merely think they do. From our in-depth research into your target market, we can bring you firsthand feedback and information based on up-to-date data on the tastes, habits, needs, and potential profitability of your client in ways that help you connect better with them
How do you grab your audience’s attention without sounding sleazy or salesy? How do you craft your message so that your clients want to buy your products?
We do this by using copies, images, videos, infographics, online polls, and other media that appeal to your clients’ emotional side, and many more digital marketing strategies.
According to Howard Gossage, “People don’t read ads. People read what interests them. And sometimes, it’s an ad.”
Domination In Emerging Markets
What better time to connect with your audience as they shrug off the last vestiges of the pandemic?
Whether you wish to present your brand as the strong brand that took charge when life was at its bleakest, or the brand that got hit but came back stronger, we at Mint Global have just the tools you need to attract the right kind of leads to your business.
As the market shifts and new trends and customer patterns emerge, we keep an eye on the new spaces your customers are going to and the most effective way to sell to them.
Finding The Perfect Balance
The mistake many marketers make is that they see brand awareness and direct response as being different from the other. They try to juggle both, and most times, one ends up getting more attention than the other.
It’s no surprise that many agencies lean toward direct response and short term marketing goals at the expense of the brand.
At Mint Global Advertising, we help you walk the line with the aid of fine tuned processes refined over the years of testing and research.
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