If you are an avid runner, you would know that weather contributes to how your runs will turn out. Running in winter is the most challenging season because you must run on a slippery terrain, your fingers, nose, and ear tips get frozen, and breathing becomes even more challenging.
However, running in the cold doesn’t have to be daunting because if you have preparations set in place to brave the cold weather, you might end up actually enjoying running in these kinds of conditions.
Here are a few ways you can be prepared for your runs in cold weathers.
Warm Up Prior to Your Runs
One of the best things you can do to prepare for a winter run is to warm up prior to heading out. What you need to do is move around to assist in getting your blood flowing without breaking too much of a sweat. When your body is warm enough, the cold will not feel too unbearable.
What are some great warm up workouts to try out? Jumping jacks are an excellent full body workout that will instantly get your heartrate up. To do a jumping jack, stand in an upright position with your hands towards your sides. Then jump up whilst you spread your feet apart and simultaneously lift your arms to the air.
Dress Warmly
Dressing warming for cold runs is an obvious tip, however, the question is how warm should you dress? You want to make sure that you dress warmly but without sweating to a point where you will start getting chilly. Therefore, you need to choose fabrics that will manage to warm you up but are also lightweight and breathable. Great jackets to consider are ones that are windproof at the front and offer a breathable back that will support with the releasing of sweat.
Shorten Your Routes
Some of you are capable of running quite impressive miles but unfortunately in cold weathers, it is advisable to shorten your routes. Reason being that if you happen to find yourself feeling colder than you had anticipated, you can easily make a way to your exit by either cutting your run short or stopping and warming up for a bit longer.
Change Quicker Post Runs
When running in the cold, your core body temperature will significantly drop when you stop. To avoid developing chills or unwanted colds, changing your clothes immediately after a run is important. Stripping from head-to-toe including underwear and running a hot bath or shower will do the trick. Having something warm to eat such as soups or drinking something hot such as a cup of coffee will assist in bringing back your normal body temperature.
Running in the cold proves great determination and consistency on your side, so you should certainly keep at it. If you first struggle to get into the swing of things, your body will eventually give in and adjust to the change in weather. Should the runs get too much, you can always switch to running indoors.
Treadmills were designed for these kinds of scenarios and as a plus, you can play at online gambling casinos while you work out.. They are also convenient, easy to use and include various speed levels and inclines to keep you challenged.
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