If you’re curious about how solar energy and solar technology has evolved over the years, continue reading in order to discover a thorough guide to the evolution of solar energy. Especially if you’re interested in the history of solar energy as well as some of the creative new ways, in which solar energy may be used in the future.
The Evolution of Solar Energy
The first human beings to use solar energy:
Mankind has harnessed the power of solar energy for thousands of years. In fact, solar energy was used in the 7th century BC, when mankind used magnifying glasses in order to light fires using solar power. Furthermore, by the 3rd century BC, the ancient Greeks and Romans had learned how to use the power of the sun’s rays in order to automatically light torches in their temples.
The progression of solar energy in more recent times:
While mankind has been harnessing the power of the sun for centuries, it wasn’t until 1873 that a scientist by the name of Willoughby Smith, found that the property selenium boasts photoconductive potential. A few years later in 1876 his findings were elaborated on when William Grylls Adams and Richard Evans Day discovered that selenium was capable of producing electricity when it’s exposed to the sun’s rays. A key discovery which would lead to the creation of solar panels as we know them today.In 1883 the scientist Charles Fritz successfully created the first solar cells which he crafted using selenium wafers.
The invention of modern solar cells:
However, the invention of modern solar cells and panels did not occur until 1954 when Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller and Gerald Pearson successfully created the first silicon photovoltaic solar cell. A revelation which allowed scientists to create the very first solar panels.
The current uses of solar energy: Solar panels
Today both residential and commercial businesses invest in solar panels in order to generate cheap, renewable, carbon neutral energy to operate their lights and appliances. Furthermore, in the last few years several well known car companies such as Hyundai have opted to release their first solar powered cars.
The future of solar energy:
Further down the track it’s highly likely that the vast majority of traditional power companies will become obsolete and that most residential buildings and commercial buildings will be powered by renewable solar energy, helping them save money and the environment. Furthermore, solar cars should become commonplace and affordable for the vast majority of motorists. One of the reasons why solar technology will become more and more prevalent in the near future is that the world is now looking for alternatives to power which is created by dirty, fossil fuels which have a negative impact on the environment.
So if you were curious about the fascinating history behind the invention of solar powered technology such as modern solar panels and are interested in the future of solar technology, hopefully you found the above information interesting. Especially if you’re interested in using solar panels to power your home, business or car. If you want to learn more about solar energy, check out this website!
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