Are you an animal lover? Is your house becoming overrun with fuzzy pals? Then, chances are you’ve got a pet.
Anyone who owns pets knows that they need constant care. Even the healthiest pet requires regular veterinary care.
What can you do to keep them safe in your home? One thing you can do to improve the health and safety of your family is to gather a first aid kit.
Your first aid kit doesn’t have to be elaborate, but it should contain the essentials. Read on to learn how to build a cat first aid kit at home.
Necessary Medication and Supplies
It should include the necessary medication and supplies, like a syringe and needle for giving fluids, antibiotic ointment and eye ointment, an age-appropriate flea and tick preventative, and an appropriate flea and tick shampoo and conditioner.
Depending on the age of the cat, a thermometer, tweezers, and a stethoscope may also be necessary. Other supplies to include in the kit are items such as gloves, bandages, gauze, tape, scissors, and antiseptics for better cat hygiene.
Comfort Items
Comfort items should always be included in the kit to help create an emotional sense of calm and security during a stressful time. This can include warm blankets, small stuffed animals, or a special toy that has been with the cat for a long time. Not only can this help reduce the stress cats feel when they are sick, but it can also help make them feel more comfortable and secure.
Medical Records
Medical records are essential in the kit. In emergencies, medical records can help fast-track treatment and diagnose any underlying conditions that could be causing additional medical problems. Records include vaccinations, heartworm and flea preventatives, medications, and any allergies.
If medical care is needed, this information can help the vet determine the best treatment plan and ensure the safety of the cat. Keeping medical records up-to-date is especially important for those cats with medical conditions, as it will allow the best care possible should an emergency occur.
Guide and Certification of Common Emergency Treatment Procedures
A certificate or guidebook outlining common emergency treatment procedures should be included in the kit. Such resources can serve as a helpful reference in times of need and can help to support proper treatment and care for a pet.
To better help an injured cat, you should opt to get a certification from a cat first aid course. For reference on where you can learn cat CPR, you can check out
Emergency Phone Numbers
It is also important to include contact information for the cat’s veterinarian, an animal hospital, and relevant emergency phone numbers in case of an emergency. This will allow for quick access in case of a medical emergency and could be essential in saving a pet’s life.
Make Sure To Have These Essential Items in a Cat First Aid Kit
A carefully stocked cat first aid kit is an invaluable resource for any cat owner. Be sure to include all the essential items for every kit. With its availability in your home, you can quickly and easily treat minor emergencies in your pet cat without the need for a trip to the vet.
Encourage your friends to also stock up on their first aid kits for their cats today!
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