Inverter technology in air conditioning is what regulates the speed of the compressor of the equipment, improving performance and energy consumption.
Nowadays many commercial air conditioning units, from a mini-split to package units have this technology. The best brands of air conditioning develop only inverter equipment, since lower energy consumption also means less impact on the environment.
How does inverter technology work in air conditioning?
Inverter technology regulates the speed of the compressor, making changes in the frequency of more precise and efficient electrical cycles. That is, once the ideal temperature is reached, the compressor speed begins to decrease to the minimum necessary to maintain the desired climate for as long as it is required.
By making the compressor work better, it is also possible to reach the maximum power of the equipment faster, in such a way that when starting it reaches the desired temperature earlier with less energy.
Differences between standard equipment and inverter technology
In equipment that does not have inverter systems, the compressor always works at absolute speeds.
When standard equipment is turned on, the compressor runs at maximum performance until it reaches the desired temperature; then it stops. When the temperature drops again from the desired level, it goes back into operation at full power.
Advantages and benefits of inverter equipment
- Energy and economic savings
Decreasing the speed of the compressor consumes less electrical energy. Up to almost 50 percent of energy can be saved depending on the use and maintenance of the equipment.
This means that they are just as friendly to the environment and wallet, since the electricity bill is lower than when using standard air conditioning.
- Extends the useful life of the equipment
By managing energy and having intelligent operation, the life of air conditioners is lengthened compared to standard equipment.
- Greater comfort
Inverter equipment provides a more stable temperature, without sudden changes. This translates into a better feeling of comfort for people.
- Less noise
By avoiding the continuous starts of the compressor and the fan, its operation is carried out at low speeds, considerably reducing the noise level. Currently there is equipment that is around 20 decibels (dB), noise below that heard in a library.
Price of inverter air conditioners
The price of inverter air conditioners is higher compared to the standard ones. It depends on each brand, but the difference can be around 20 percent.
However, considering that they require less maintenance, that their useful life is longer, and that they generate greater savings in energy consumption, in the medium and long term, inverter equipment represents a better investment.
It all depends on the place, the dimensions and how the equipment is used, since, if it is not used properly, you will not be able to enjoy the ideal climate.
For example, a very common mistake is to put the air conditioning on at minimum, or at maximum when we want heat, and turn off the equipment when it reaches the desired temperature. But this bad practice prevents the inverter technology from working optimally and the equipment ends up working too much.
So, when investing in air conditioning equipment for your office, for home use, or business, it is best to seek advice from experts in the field to help you choose the best equipment and the best brand.
Reputable air conditioning distributors have consultants and engineers specialized in the maintenance and installation of all types of equipment. Contact one in your area and they will answer your questions.
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