Stepping inside college for the first time is exciting, as it provides an opportunity to expand your knowledge, grow your independence, and make new friends. Yet, after many weeks or months, you may suddenly realize you are homesick or miserable.
Unfortunately, your unhappiness may affect your quality of life and grades. The emotions you are feeling might be freshman anxiety, but they might be a sign you need to make a few changes to feel happier over the next few years. Read the following tips on what to do if you are unhappy at college.
Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
Many introverts feel lonely at college, as they might be reluctant to strike up conversations with students. It might feel easier to hide in a corner of a room or keep your head down when people walk by, but it may make a college experience much harder.
If you have struggled to find friends at college, it might be time to step outside your comfort zone to develop friendships with other students. A simple smile or hello could lead to a conversation. Also, you could connect with like-minded people by joining a college club or society.
Transfer to a Suitable College
If you feel unhappy at a college, you don’t need to settle for an unpleasant environment or give up on your education. Instead, consider transferring to another college that suits your academic needs, values, and desired community.
Transferring will allow you to switch environments without giving up on your academic goals. Of course, you will need to match a college’s admission requirements to transfer. Take Texas Christian college transfers requirements as an example, as they require transfer students to have at least 24 credits.
Change Your Major ASAP
If you like your current college but are unhappy with your chosen subject, you could always change your major. Many students realize they don’t like their chosen field during their freshman year, which may change their academic and career plans.
Sticking with a course that brings you next to no joy will impact your mood and force you into a career you don’t love. Instead, it is a smart decision to switch majors to embark on a subject that will make you feel excited about college and your future.
Give Yourself Time to Adjust to College
If you love your college and subject but still feel miserable, you may need to practice some patience. It is natural to feel homesick or overwhelmed when entering college, but you will soon adjust to your surroundings and become more confident in your ability.
Give yourself time to adjust to your new environment, as you may grow to love the independence and opportunities that college offers its students. Wait a few more weeks or months to ensure you don’t give up on an unforgettable experience and a fantastic degree. It may prevent a lifetime of regret and help you to build an impressive resume that wows an employer.
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